Suitable Design for Patients with Bruxism at Night

Respire Pink features an ergonomic design with telescopic hardware that’s fully personalized, ideal for people who experience teeth grinding. It works by allowing lateral and vertical movement, and opens up the airway for better airflow while holding the jaw in a position that prevents it from falling back and collapsing the airway.

Respire Pink AT
(Advanced Titration)

    • Accurate Titration

    • Less Chair-time

    • Telemedicine-friendly

Features & Benefits

7 mm Advancement

More advancement for fewer resets

1 Full Turn = 0.25 mm

Only 4 turns for 1 mm. Insert key in the back of hinge and rotate counterclock-wise

Special Titration Key

Easy to hold and titrate with a comfortable grip

Integrated Scale

Only 4 turns for 1 mm. Insert key in the back of hinge and rotate counterclock-wise